
A Snapshot of Jamaica’s Human Development, Lots to Consider!

For the past nine years, the UN’s have invented  a multi-dimensional metric that reflects a measure of well being beyond GDP.

The three key components are:

  • Life Expectancy
  • Adult Literacy
  • Purchasing Power Parity


Overall, Jamaica is  ranked 100th. out of the 182 counties considered.

The top ten countries listed on the index are: Norway, Australia, Iceland, Canada, Ireland, the Netherlands, Sweden, France, Switzerland and Japan.


The United States ranks 13th, down one spot from last year.

The finding on how we compare with the rest  of the Caribbean was most revealing.

  • Barbados  – 37
  • Cuba   – 51
  • Bahamas – 52
  • St. Kitts – 62
  • Trinidad & Tobago – 64
  • St. Lucia – 69
  • Grenada – 74
  • Dominican Republic – 90
  • St. Vincent – 94
  • Jamaica  – 100
  • Guyana – 114
  • Haita – 149

Click to get UN’s Report on Jamaica


The other major component tracked is mobility. This is a major factor in the prosperity of a nation.



Here is an executive summary of the UN’s findings.


The Take aways from the UN  gurus are as follows:


  • Mobility has the potential to enhance human development among movers, stayers and the majority of those in destination places.
  • However, processes and outcomes can be adverse, and there is scope for significant improvements in policies and institutions.
  • We present an ambitious long-term agenda for capturing the large unrealized gains.
  • Bold and committed leadership now can make a huge difference for the lives of millions of people


You are given the privilege of giving feedback to the Prime minister about this finding. What would you say to him?

About the author


I am an entrepreneur whose focus is on helping small businesses deploy internet marketing tools to leverage new customers and profits. I believe in the survival of the knitted, and thus champion those who are making a difference in our community.