President Obama killed (in a good way) the State of the Union address. Marco Rubio, the...
Author - hearirant
To cliff or not to cliff? That is the question.
Now that we have survived the Mayan apocalyptic prediction, and Christmas, all attention will be on...
too many guns, or too many bad people?
Another 26 people murdered, 20 of them children under 8 years old. 12 girls, 8 boys, 6 women. ...
There will be blood
I predicted this would happen, I just didn’t know it would snowball so fast. From before the...
No cards to play
Its been a little interesting watching the republicans since their election loss. If there seems to...
Now the fun really starts
Now that the election is over, the reviews are coming in. We can certainly look at all of them...
Winning at all costs
Voting is supposed to be the cornerstone of democracies, where all peoples who are eligible to vote...
Are all self-inflicted wounds bad?
Was thinking of analyzing presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s secretly videoed speech, when...
Just when you think people can’t get more dumb…
When I read some dumb comment online, I often pass it off that some jerk just wants to be noticed...
In bad times, the private sector doesn’t create jobs.
I’m a little tired of the claim that the private sector not the government creates jobs. ...