
Big Up the Jamaican Dad


At a recent after dinner stroll,  I could not help but notice several men engaged with their kids in ordinary, but meaningful manner.  First, I noticed a pile of three parked bikes, followed by a bouncing ball.  Yes, this dad was teaching his three daughters soccer.   The kids ranged from 3 to 9, and it was marvelous to see him balance their varied skills and interest. A block away, I spotted a nervous dad, teaching his daughter to drive.  she was learning how to reverse and park between two vehicles.  Talk about a hair removal situation.


These men are the salt of the earth, doing day in day out the ordinary things to keep their families going.  I want you to notice how much advise on being a good father will be spewed around today.


Contrast this with mother’s day, where women are simply affirmed for their nurturing, sacrificial ways.

Why is this? Some men are just “seed sowers” who do not participate in their children lives.  These are not dads, so do not confuse the responsible men with these men.


Let me take this moment to salute all men whose fathering go beyond the boundaries of the biological sphere.

Join me in saluting the coaches, teachers, deacons, elders, uncles who give of themselves to make a difference in so many lives.


  • If he sits in shirt sleeves and suspenders at a ballgame or a picnic, call him ‘Pop
  • If he wheels the baby carriage and carries the bundle meekly, call him ‘Papa
  • If, however, he makes a pal of you when you’re good, and is too wise to let you pull the wool over his loving eyes when you’re not; if moreover you’re quite sure no other fellow you know has quite so fine a father, you may call him ‘Dad‘.
  •  (Peter Seymour)


About the author


I am an entrepreneur whose focus is on helping small businesses deploy internet marketing tools to leverage new customers and profits. I believe in the survival of the knitted, and thus champion those who are making a difference in our community.