Jamaica Jamaican in China

* P.S.


I grew up on the island of Jamaica where, at the time, we had ONE television station JBC (Jamaica Broadcasting Corporation), that signed on at 4pm (with Sesame Street, Electric Company, the news, a few UK and US documentaries and television shows) and signed off at about 11pm or midnight.

However, among the shows we were fortunate to get were Sandokan (Malaysia), Colditz (UK) and Kung Fu (US).

As kids, we didn’t know or quite care what David Carradine’s character’s exact name was. We simply called him “Kung Fu!” And, acting out all the cool moves Kung Fu did on the show, and pretending to burn Shaolin monk tattoos into our skin by lifting burning hot cauldrons with our forearms provided hours of endless entertainment.

To compare this (still) Jamaican kid to one of his childhood heros, just moved YOU up in the ranks of cool “ego-fluffing” friends!


About the author

Walt F.J. Goodridge

"Once upon a time, there was a Jamaican civil engineer living in New York who hated his job, followed his passion, started a sideline business publishing his own books, quit his job, escaped the rat race, ran off to a tropical island in the Pacific, and started a tourism business so he could give tours of the island to pretty girls every day....and live a passionpreneur & nomadpreneur's dream life." (Full story: https://www.passionprofit.com/escape)

2020 UPDATE: Walt is also author of over 24 books including Turn Your Passion into Profit, and How to Become a Nomadpreneur. His latest book project is "The Pandemicpreneur: How to start or CONTINUE Making Money Doing What You Love, generate multiple income streams, remotely, from home...Even During a Pandemic!"

Learn more at : http://thepandemicpreneur.com/