Photo Credit: Free Nature Stock
I wanted to be a teacher, a singer, poet,
Transform lives: Travel to various states,
Be sociable, meet those who I thought
Was kind and polite: I wanted to be a pediatrician,
A gracious wife; escape the trap, that demonize,
Held me down, some thought that was unwise:
I ignore their voices, pursue my dreams, one at a time.
I try to change, dismiss, my origin, the people in my life,
Who saw me with no values, see me as a lie:
I wanted to be all that I saw, in women,
That showed me, their skills, beauty,
Wisdom, fashion, songs, who have principles,
A success, fought for freedom, minister to my spirit,
Beautiful poetic words, songs, to save lives;
Women who held their head high:
In my journey, I found out, it was all design,
That I was not ready or seen,
As one of those wise women, who touched
Many lives, *Still, I rise!!!
Empress Journee
*Maya Angelou