
The Horrors of Hypochondria!

Diana O. – Yaadinfo Contributor

Hotel Room from HellI like the sterility of hotels. Although, it’s a given that you know other people have slept in the room before you. It is also a given that you don’t want to see remnants of those who came before you. For the past three weeks there has been a disturbing trend on my layovers; I’ve been finding traces of those who came before me. Namely, at two Doubletree hotels, Embassy Suites in Fort Lauderdale and the Intercontinental in San Juan. There has been used soap in the dish by the bath tub, wet wash rags on top of the curtain rod or stuffed in the corner of the tub, a bathing suit left to dry on the back of a chair, used tissue crumpled at the side of a bed and shit stains in the toilet bowl.

This disturbs me greatly because hotels market themselves as a home away from home, so people are under the illusion that they own the space. Well you don’t. So here are my top five flight attendant hotel cleanliness survival points to consider:

1. Wipe down everything you touch, the phone, the toilet, light switches, the door handle. Or at least lay toilet paper on the seat.

2. Don’t touch the comforter. Have you ever seen the maid cart with fresh comforters? I haven’t, ever.

3. Wear flip flops, the carpets are yucky.

4. Wash the glasses out with some shampoo. Here’s why:


5. And finally, cover the remote with a shower cap, or wipe it down. Maids don’t clean remotes!

Your best bet is to just not drink from hotel glasses.

With that said here are the cleanest hotels I’ve stayed in:

Hotel Habitel in Bogota, Columbia

The Hyatt in Buffalo, New York

Yup, only two y’all.

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Yaadinfo Jamaica